5 Things That I Learned From Playing The ‘Spot The Difference’ Game.

The game isn’t as simple as it seems.

E For Expression
4 min readJan 1, 2021

For a few weeks, I was playing the ‘Spot The Difference’ game during my free time. Just like other games, improvement comes after having played for a long period. At the same time, I do learn a few things while playing it.

And, here are the 5 things that I learned:

When I Focus On The Small Details, I Miss The Obvious.

When I try to find the difference between two pictures, I will compare one part of a picture to another part of another picture. Then, if I just look at the two pictures as two entire pictures, I would have noticed the difference immediately.

As I take a step back to review my life, there are similarities to how it can be applied to my every day. As when I go about my day, it can be easy to miss out on things that are blatantly in front of me when I am focused on my aspirations. Things like personal relations and personal enjoyments can easily disappear from my eyes when I am immersed in the relentless pursuit of materialism.

This negligence can easily upset the balance of my life and forgoes the truly important things in my life that are in my present.

What I learned #1:

Despite the high hopes and dreams for myself, I have to always take a break from the endless pursuit to appreciate the magnificent blessings that I am surrounded by.

The Change From Not Seeing To Seeing Happens In An Instant.

From time to time, I could find it hard to notice the difference between the two pictures. And, I could end up staring at the pictures for minutes. However, sometimes, magic happened and the differences appeared.

There is an unexplainable phenomenon that happens between seeing and not seeing. It is like a switch that turns on and off my vision. However, this switch is a hidden tool that is yet to be pinpointed. And, I can only operate it by trial and error. Sometimes, I manage to. Sometimes, I don’t. But, if I don’t try, it wouldn’t even happen.

What I learned #2:

Things in this world can be uncertain and mysterious. But, without an attempt at the things I desire, there will not even be a chance of it happening. And, in an instant, things can switch in my favor.

Being Antsy Doesn’t Make Things Better. Sometimes, Worse.

Once in a while, I got stuck at trying to figure the differences out. After a long period of staring at the pictures, I became irritated by the incapability to spot the difference. However, it doesn’t make anything better. Worse, sometimes, making me unnecessarily upset from playing a game that is for entertainment.

It may seem like the game is irritating me. In actuality, it is I, who was impatient and chose to highlight my incompetence. Even so, no solutions were made and nothing was changed.

What I learned #3:

Regardless of how hopeless situations may be, getting impatient may be more potent than simply accepting the situation as it is. Also, to dwell upon my incompetence does no help to the situation at hand.

I Can’t Force Myself To See What I Can’t See.

As similar to all puzzle games, there will come a time where the puzzles can’t be solved. It is a time when I tried turning the pictures, tilting my head, and zoom in & out. No matter how I try I got stuck looking at the same pictures.

Sometimes, those methods do work. However, occasionally, I simply have to give up and rest. And, when I reattempt again, the differences will mystically reveal themselves. At the same time, I always have the choice to use computer software to assist me with the answer.

What I learned #4:

When all things failed, explore uncommon approaches and techniques. Sometimes, giving up temporarily and resting are the optimal ways to reframe the mind for success.

I Don’t Understand How I Notice Differences.

The way that our minds work is a mystery. The instant where the unnoticeable become noticeable is an unexplainable and confusing phenomenon. It is similar to being in a dream and suddenly waking up realizing it is a dream. There is no logical sequence to it. It is as if it happened simply because it could.

What I learned #5:

Many parts of this world are mysterious. Hence, countless possibilities may occur. Even though I may not be able to understand certain occurrences, this curiosity can be a driving force to uncover the fascinating sides of life. Also, it may be the reason why it is worthwhile being alive.



#1 Defocus and appreciate the blessings in the present moment.

#2 Take a chance on my desires. If I try, I will have a chance to succeed.

#3 If situations are not in my control, I can still control myself.

#4 Take less traveled paths when nothing works. Sometimes, taking a rest is all I need to succeed.

#5 Mysteries of the world make life increases the worth of being alive.

Final Lesson:

Regardless of what I do, lessons can be found everywhere, even from simply playing a game of ‘Spot The Difference’.



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