Here’s how “Speak of the devil and he doth come.” happens…

He does not come as a ‘devil’ figure…

E For Expression
2 min readJul 16, 2020
Photo by Victor Barrios on Unsplash

In the saying “Speak of the devil and he doth come.”, it’s scary to assume that he will simply appear out of nowhere and cause harm to us when he is being spoken of. Also, it is hard to understand how it can happen as not many reasonable or logical explanations have been provided anywhere. Hence, it may leave us hanging between it being true and false.

However, from my point of view, it can be explained by understanding how each speech affects each person. In the speaking of a subject to a group of audiences, the subject is being focused upon by the audiences and gets empower.

In an instance, speaking ill or good of a person to a crowd shifts the focuses upon what is being spoken and creates emotional responses toward the person. This then results in certain behaviors toward the person which may lead to creating the illness or goodness that is spoken of.

Also, it may even happen in the case of speaking of possible fortunate or catastrophic events to the audiences, where the emotions run high and followed by behaviors in the audiences that may create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Therefore, speaking of the ‘devil’ may simply create the ‘devil’ in any form; be it in a human form or a form of circumstances.



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