How To Break The Momentum, Which Is Your Comfort Zone

Small changes always lead to significant change.

E For Expression
2 min readDec 7, 2020

The idea of ‘Comfort Zone’ has become a widely used definition to explain the mundane lifestyle. And, “Get out of your comfort zone.” has become a common way of stating the need to change.

“Get out of your comfort zone. Wake up the sleeping giant in you.”

— Chia Thye Poh

At the same time, not many enjoy the discomfort that comes during the change. Also, not many see the need to change despite suffering in constant discomfort. However, change is inevitable. But, we can influence it.

Nevertheless, for every problem that we desire to solve in our lives, it requires us to understand the root of the problem first. In other words, we can only consciously create the desired change by understanding the blocks that prevent us from change.

― Haresh Sippy

Similar to the momentum of a high speed moving train making sudden directional change difficult, the momentum of mundane lifestyles makes big changes difficult.

Fortunately, by dissecting big changes into small changes, adjustments can be made easy; just as a high speed moving train changes its direction gradually while keeping on its track.

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

Vincent Van Gogh

And, the solution isn’t just about making the changes in bite-size, it is also about feeling motivated to continue making the changes until the desired outcome.

For example, if we would like to lose 10Kg of body weight, we can split the losing of 10Kg into either a short time frame with high intensity or a long time frame with low intensity. However, if the time frame is too long, we may give it up before achieving it.

Hence, to keep the fire of motivation, each change made is to be emphasized as an achievement. This is because every human function according to feelings and emotions. In the ‘good’ feeling of achievement, we get fueled to continue making changes.

Take advantage of each small success. In this way, you close the gap between what you want from life and what it is giving you.

―Deepak Chopra

Therefore, if we break the ongoing momentum one small step at a time, eventually, we can experience the seemingly impossible change that we desired.



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