How To Differentiate Whether If You Are Living In Fear Or Living In Love.

It is to df(x)/dx with x as your words and actions.

E For Expression
2 min readOct 8, 2020

As propagated popularly, fear and love are exact opposites that can’t exist in the same location at the same moment. Concurrently, generally, fear is the driving force to create and improve living conditions to attain stability and security. At the same time, love is capable of bringing forth the same motivation too.

However, fear seems more dominant as compared to love because fear is the trigger to ensure survival. Without fear, the boundaries of dangers may be unrecognizable. On the contrary, fear can diminish the growth of life while love can open possibilities for development and expansion. And, humans are always seeking to create better versions of the world for the future than the versions of the past. Hence, to differentiate between living in fear or living in love can be crucial to tell if progression can be made.

It is such that, when living in fear, fear will be expressed in every action that is taken. Just as in a simple act of speaking, the tonality will sound angry or depressing and the words that are chosen are of negative connotations. For example, a choice between determined and stubborn, stubborn will be chosen, and between a choice of frugal and stingy, stingy will be used. As for tonality, there will be tremble, lack of breath, and/or sometimes out of pitch. Concurrently, topics that are being spoken about tend to become demotivational. At the same time, the movements and gestures will be rigid and forceful.

On the other side of the spectrum, when living in love, love will be radiated through every action. In just a simple speech, words will be filled with strength and empowerment that can be easily felt. Also, the sound of it will be steady and clear. Similarly, the movements and gestures will be graceful and firm as necessary. Also, mundane conversations can become uplifting.

Nevertheless, to live in fear or love is a choice to be made. And, to shift from one to another, the fundamental starting point will be the identification of the current state of being. Once identified, the next step will be to practice the state that is being chosen, which is the conscious cultivation of the desired habit. As a result, living in fear can become a thing in the past, and basking in love will become the norm eventually. Hence, leading to shifting humanity to a higher state of being.



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