E For Expression
3 min readMay 18, 2020

How You Create Your Reality Simply By Thinking (Explained In Terms Of Frequency)

A detailed explanation of how it works.

As everything vibrates at different speeds & patterns, it can be understood as everything consists of a certain combination of frequencies which also includes our thoughts. The brainwaves are tested in a lab and found that the frequencies of the brainwaves change according to the thoughts that the brain is having. Since brainwaves can be morphed into any form of frequency by thoughts, does it mean the brainwaves can be morphed into anything by thinking?

When we examine how our bodies are formed, we may see that the bodies adjusted itself by taking and processing information from the environment. The information enters from the body’s sensors which are then sent to the brain. When the information is sent to the brain, the brain processes the information and decide what type of information/instruction as to how the body should react or become according to the environment. Understanding that the brain is the control center responsible for some changes that happen to the body, there is a hint of possibility as to how the thoughts can affect the body.

As when the thoughts form the brainwaves, the brainwaves may be transferred throughout the body; like when playing a tone on piano, the tone vibrates throughout the piano. As the brainwaves get transmitted to the parts of the body, the parts of the body will change itself according to the brainwaves or information received; similar to a television changing its channel by tuning to a certain frequency. Hence, each time we have a thought, the body is tuned to the thought to experience the reality that is thought of.

However, it is not an immediate experience as time is required to tune all parts of the body to the experience of the reality that is thought of. Therefore, a constant thought upon a certain reality will eventually bring the body to experience that reality; an example will be that of reminiscing the past brings part of the experience into the present and will become a strong experience if constantly being immersed in it. After a long period of time of having the specific thought, the body may start to alter itself to the reality that is thought of; like if clear and bright skin is being constantly thought of, the skin will adjust itself to suit the thought. As easy as it sounds to change the reality that we are experiencing, there are factors that may hinder the alteration of the body as seldom do we only concentrate on just one thought alone.

The alteration of the body is a constant motion that has momentum once it starts; similar to that of a movement of a car, once the car starts moving, it requires some time to stop the car as there is momentum. So, when a thought has been in the mind for long enough, the alteration would have momentum which will require time to stop when there is a change of thought. Therefore, thought that has been ongoing for a long period such as from childhood will require much time to alter the body.

All in all, this idea is as to how you create your reality through thinking is simply a thought. In the thinking of it as something real may just bring it into your reality based on what is explained in this. However, there are unknown ways of how reality is created or/and based on. To simply take it as the one and only truth is similar to that of ignoring other possibilities other than a familiar dogma. Hence, how your thoughts upon the subject will determine whether it can be part of your reality regardless of how it actually works. This also means that whatever thoughts you have is whatever reality that you will create for ourselves.
Therefore, to create your reality, think.

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