I Went Through A Magical Transformation

E For Expression
4 min readMay 13, 2020

A Short Magical Adventure…*may be slightly disturbing*

Ever experienced something magical in your life?
Not sure about you, but, sure I did.
It happened after when I stumbled upon information that was unorthodox and decided to try it out.
Right when I decided to do so, doors and opportunities opened for me, guiding me to carry it out.
Places become available for me, butterfly encircled me, insects came out of me…

The Start Of My Magical Adventure

Months before the incident, I was into learning and practicing sungazing.
(Sungazing is a method to improve wellness by getting sunlight into the body in a specific way.)
Until a while later, I was reading about the human body’s ability to survive without food for a long period.
Which got me interested in the water fast and urine fast.
And so, I decided that I want to try it out since life is just an adventure.

At that instance, I took an empty bottle to the toilet and tried the unimaginable.
It doesn’t have the best taste, but, a sense of achievement for being able to do what was against the norm.
Afterward, I received a piece of news saying that my relative was going to another country for some events and having access to the place usually on the weekends, I took this opportunity and test my limits for almost a week.

This Is A Fairy Tale

This is one big step into the unknown for me, without guidance from people within my circles, but, with only the information through the electrical rectangular screen.

I took a walk to a park nearby and sat by the lake, which I usually visit, for the first evening.
The sun was still out, but, with no one around the area.
Taking a seat, observing the scenery, and enjoying the wind is what I usually do there.
That day, I was pondering what would be needed for the experiment to be successful.
What is it that I need to beware of during this lone journey?

While in my thoughts, out of nowhere, a blue butterfly pops out by my side and then encircles me three times before flying into a forested area, just like in fairy tales.
Yes, it sounds far-fetched, however, it did happen.
Staring at the spot where the butterfly flew into, I was confused as to whether I am hallucinating or not.

The Unexpected Inhabitant

Alone in the place, faced by cold flat walls, I was uncertain as to what to expect which creates some nervousness throughout the week.
My stomach’s empty, most likely my intestines are too and I have not much idea on what to expect.
At the same time, I wasn’t as tired as usual at my usual sleeping time.
Trying to fall asleep on the first & second night made me restless instead.

During the first few days, after the sun sets, I felt crawls within my body, like many things creeping right underneath my skin.
It definitely wasn’t the nicest experience that anyone would like to feel.
Luckily, there wasn’t anything bulging out and moving along with the feeling.

While lying on the bed of the second night, my stomach few like it was rumbling, but, not for food.
This strange sensation bothered me a while until I ended up on the toilet bowl.
I didn’t take anything solid for the last day, and, yet, I actually needed a release.
What happened next opened my eyes a little more than before.

Looking into the muddled water, something long & white was maneuvering in it for a moment and, at a sudden instant, swallowed itself into the hole.
Stunned for a moment of silence, I doubled checked if it was going to pop out again just to verify if it was solely my imagination.
Unfortunately, it’s gone without giving me any chances to understand what’s going on.

However, upon recovering from my previous state, I felt a sudden lightness,
as if someone took away a mountain that I have been carrying behind my back my whole life.
This feeling may just be what I have been looking for my whole life.

Facing The Uncertainty

With no real guidance as to what to prepare for, every single piece of information that I could get becomes a gem.
Surfing through the intangible database; forums and articles are similar to that of gold bars.
Facing the uncertainty of what the future may hold, reading and listening become the most optimal choices.
People’s experiences, pictures of the glamorous, and what-not provides a sense of security and relief from the unpredictable days ahead.
Fatigue did sets in, hinting a need for the movement to decline.
And so, I used calming music and healing tones to keep myself cool and collected too.

Days are longer than usual, but, doesn’t stop me from giving in to the temptation of giving up on what I was aiming for.
Somehow, eventually, magically, I managed to reach my destination with almost everything as when I first started, at the same time, ironically, also tossing away much of what no longer necessary for myself.

Continuing The Magic

Baring myself through this self brought forth experience has broken many beliefs of how fragile a human can be.
Resulting in not just a new birth of perspective, but multiple ones.
At the same time, the barriers are removed to move towards the truth of the traps that we have been putting ourselves in.
With a doorway opened for understanding the strength of how resilient humans are, there is no need to fear what tomorrow may bring.
The light never dimmed to this day even after several years and most likely becomes brighter than ever.
The darkness didn’t extinguish the light, in contradictory, only made the light stronger and brighter;
similar to that of a caterpillar desiring to be a butterfly, it will have to embrace the darkness that comes forth before the emergence of its radiating beauty.

