Prayers Are Not Only For The Religious But, It Is Also For The Scientific
It is beneficial in scientific ways.
Doing prayers is a form of practice that is done in certain traditions. Different cultures and different religions do prayers in different locations on different occasions. Prayers are done for various reasons which are accorded to the beliefs of the devotee. Despite having many reasons as to why the need to pray, there are scientific ways of explaining the benefits of prayers.
As prayers bring the focus upon a specific script or chant, it stops the harboring of distracting thoughts that may be harmful over long periods. Similarly, before the consumption of meals, prayers can calm the mind and then switches the focus upon the meals. Having the attention upon meals allows a much enjoyable tasting experience as the sensitivity to the sensations becomes high in mindfulness.
At the same time, there is a hypothesis on thoughts and spoken words being able to subtly change the chemistry of things around us. This may be due to the idea of everything being energy and the thoughts & spoken words can alter everything as those are also energy. Therefore, when prayers are done before meals, the chemistry of the food may be altered by the prayers that contain the thoughts and spoken words that may be beneficial to the body. (You may google ‘rice experiment’ to find out more.)
Nevertheless, prayers to someone like me, who doesn’t pray, used to find it unnecessary and troublesome. However, with this little more knowledge, I found it to be a plausible act that I may consider to adopt. After all, the amount of knowledge that we have is only a part of the amount of knowledge that is in this world. Hence, every new knowledge that is acquired can alter our perception of the world. At the same time, prayers that used to be seen as only for the religious may just be another useful activity that can be done to enhance the quality of anyone’s life.