Why We Need To Follow Ideas With Flexibility

E For Expression
3 min readMay 17, 2020


When a dish is made by a chef, it is an expression of the chef’s idea of how a dish is made.

However, anyone making that dish doesn’t have to adhere to the way that it was being made. Just as the ‘chef’ in this idea can be replaced with a ‘potter’ for the idea to work as well.

Ideas Are Not Rules To Follow

Regularly, we fall into the self restricting trap of an idea being like a set of rules or regulations that needs to be followed strictly. If we don’t follow it exactly, we may end up deviating from the idea; thinking that it may yield a different outcome. Although a different outcome is a possibility, it surely doesn’t mean it will always be the case.

Some ideas within our community had been in place since the establishment of human civilization. In recent times, we still adhere to these ideas despite the multiple phases of change that had occurred since then. However, how many of us question the validity of these ideas in this day and age?

As human progresses through the advancement of technology and then coming out with new ideas that may be incomprehensible to the authority of the past, what are the chances of the old ideas being outdated and inapplicable to the modern-day?

Following Ideas Blindly Can Be Dangerous

To understand the point of the ideas that have been incorporated into our lives, we may have to first investigate the origin in which the ideas are being used. Usually, ideas are used to benefit us in different ways, but, if applied unnecessarily, it will end up being counterproductive or even harmful to us.

For example; if a company took on the idea of having a face to face meeting every Friday of the week to update on the progress of the company. During an event of an epidemic where the best option is to avoid close contact within individuals, the company still carries out the meeting regardless.
Following the idea blindly, and then endangering everyone involved unnecessarily, is definitely not a wise choice.

Ideas Can Be Adjusted

However, habits that have been built over a period of time have a high momentum that is hard to be stopped. Instead of being fixated to following the idea, a flexible approach to adjusting the idea may be the most ideal in that scenario. The habit of following the idea may require an effort to be changed, but, the adjustment of the idea itself will usually be much simple.

Just like a train moving along its track; it is difficult to stop the train from moving, however, it may be easier to change the direction of the track; further down from the train’s position. Similar to that of any ideas presented to us, they can be adjusted according to the needs of ours at different periods & eras and not be confined by the thought that either we have to follow or stop following the ideas.
There is a third choice that is always there for us to choose from.



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